Why is the European Commission unfamiliar with the Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Petitions' Committee of the European Parliament performed lively debate on several motions concerning the rights of persons with disabilities yesterday. Ágnes Hankiss and Ádám Kósa MEPs (Fidesz-KDNP) called the attention to some very important questions that have to be tackled so that fundamental human rights can be asserted in all the member states of the European Union.
/Joint communication of Ágnes Hankiss and Ádám Kósa MEPs/
Although more than one million people have signed the motion that would introduce a European law to provide more security and ease for persons who live with disabilities, there has been no leap forward in this issue for three years. The adoption of the anti-discrimination directive would namely premise the clarification of many subject matters.
Ágnes Hankiss, vice-president of the Petitions' Committee believes that the Commission should be engaged in cases where services open for all citizens, like effecting insurances, were denied without substantive reasons from persons with disabilities.
According to Ádám Kósa, member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affaires, the national governments should realize the social benefits of improving accessibility and barrier-free environment. The President of Disability Intergroup is convinced that a "disability card" may grant the freedom for movement for persons with disabilities in every member state is needed.
According to the two politicians of the European People's Party, the European Commission has not payed enough attention to the regulations of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, although the document has already been ratified by 14 member states. The MEPs also find it problematic that the Commission, when it negotiated the petitions, disregarded the Charter of Fundamental Rights that grants the rights for disabled people to be able to live a complete life - although the Charter forms an integral part of the Lisbon Treaty that came into force in December 2009.