
Warning for EC

Adam Kósa brought on the European Commission’s two defaults in his one-minute speech to the presidency of the European Parliament and it’s president Jerzy Buzek.

MEP Kósa said, while to make the communication more fluent between the European Union’s institutions is a common aim, the EC hasn’t responded or responded with lateness his questions.  

Kósa has lodged in a written question together with MEP Csaba Őry on the 30th of November about the wage subcidies of disabled employees. The answer of the Commission still hasn’t got in, any the less that there are six months for it as the regulation says.

It’s memorable that the two hungarian MEP took exception to a regulation of the Commission which came into force on the 1st January 2009. This intensifys the removal of disabled people. The effect is more solicitous this year when the consequences of the crisis will deepen.

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